Error Code Description

Initialization Error Code

Error code Misdescription Screening program
100 initialization error Please check if your AppKey is correct
101 Initialization parameter error Incomplete parameters when calling the initialization interface
120 No application information found Please check if your AppKey is correct

Login Error Code

Error code Misdescription Screening program
600 Login Error
610 Generate Account Error
611 Mobile One Click Login Error
620 binding error
621 Binding cell phone error
622 Cell Phone Number Required
623 Incorrectly formatted cell phone number
624 Verification Code Required
625 CAPTCHA error
626 CAPTCHA expired
627 Please send the verification code first
631 Binding mailbox error
632 Email required
633 Mailbox format error
660 Third party login error
661 QQ login error
662 WeChat Login Error
663 Facebook Login Error
664 Google Login Error
665 Microsoft Login Error

Verify Login Status Error Code

Error code Misdescription Screening program
200 User is logged in This is the normal state
201 User not logged in This is a normal state, indicating that the currently authenticated user is not logged into the SDK. if the player is logged in and 201 is returned here, check to see if the encrypted value is correct (refer to Error 302 below).
301 Error decrypting verify_data Please check:
1. whether the MG public key is correct;
2. whether the process of using MG encryption is correct
302 Incomplete Token, userid or appkey parameters Please check if the value to be encrypted is correct, the correct format is: token=AAAAAAAAA&userid=BBBBBBBB&appkey=CCCCCCC
303 Developer has not uploaded the public key Please go to the developer backend and upload the RSA public key in the application management
304 Signature validation error, check if the uploaded public key is in the correct format Please check that the RSA public key is uploaded correctly in the application management
305 Parameter value is null Check that the values of the parameters verify_data, verify_sign are correct
306 Error passing parameter Check that the parameters verify_data, verify_sign are named correctly

Payment Error Code

Error code Misdescription Screening program
350 Store Error
351 Store parameter error
352 No store information found
354 This game does not have a payment service You will need to contact the program coordinator to open the program.
360 Store callback setup error
361 No application information found Please check if your AppKey is correct
362 Game public key is empty Please find your application in MG Developer Platform->Application Management->Application Listand check whether the application public key in the application information is filled in or not.
363 CallbackId is invalid Please check whether the value of CallbackID you passed when calling MG SDK payment interface is correct, you can check it in MG Developer Platform -> Store Information -> Application Callback Address.
370 Failed to create product
371 Merchandise Payment Error
372 No product information found Please check if your GoodsKey exists inMG Developer Platform->Store Information->Goods Management
373 Invalid session or application information not found If you have been logged into the game for a long time and encounter such problems, please log out of the game and log in again.
374 Mismatch between application, product, and callback address Please check whether the values of GoodsKey and CallbackID, the two parameters you passed when calling MG SDK payment interface, are in the current application (the current application is based on the AppKey when you call MG SDK initialization in the game, and this AppKey can be found in MG Developer Platform->Application Management->Application List)
  • Check if the GoodsKey is under the current app, you can check it in MG Developer Platform -> Store Info -> Goods Management.
  • Check if the CallbackID is under the current app, you can check it in MG Developer Platform -> Store Info -> App Callback Address.
375 App needs callback to developer, no RSA public key uploaded Please find your application in MG Developer Platform->Application Management->Application List and check whether the application public key in the application information is filled in or not.
380 Failure to save product information Generally because the product name is too long, the product name is composed of "application name + product name + product number", together no more than 50 characters.

Advertising System Error Codes

Error code Misdescription Screening program
700 Advertising system anomalies
701 Parameter error
710 No information about the ad space is available, or the ad space is closed
720 Cached information on unearned ad clicks

websdk error code

Error code Misdescription Screening program
750 websdk error
751 session expiration
780 H5 Promotion Link Error
781 Invalid H5 promotion link

Payer Error Codes

Error code Misdescription Screening program
470 Payer Error
471 MOL Payment Error
472 MYCARD Payment Error
473 APACPAY payment error
4731 APACPAY merchant number error
4732 APACPAY subaccount error
474 FORTUMO Payment Error
475 XSOLLA Payment Error
476 RIXTY Payment Error
477 BOACOMPRA payment error
478 ALIPAY2 payment error
479 WeChat Payment Error
480 SAFECHARGE Payment Error
481 QIWI Payment Error
482 YANDEX Payment Error
483 SKRILL Payment Error
484 ONECARD Payment Error
485 Pagsmile Payment Error